
An East Falls history lesson for all...

This is from The Fallser, an East Falls newspaper. The article talks about the hill just across the road from our house where we walk Creek. I believe at one point, Mom, you asked me what the statue was all about, but I did not know. Well now I do.

General George Washington and his army of 11,000 men camped at the site of the Queen Lane Resevoir before and after the Battle of Brandywine in 1777. The statue marks Washington's campsite.

Just as cool, the area was proposed as the site for the federal capital.

Since the army was 11,000 strong, I'd assume that there were some camping where my house is now. Also, I think if Obama lived at the top of the hill, I probably would not be able to afford living at the top of the hill beside him.

If you want to read the whole article, click here. Then go to page 19.


Dueling Peeps

A picture's worth 1000 words.

We who are about to die, salute you.

Into the arena.


Valentine's Day

Hi all,
This is my honey and me. We've got company this weekend. Mike, Rachel, Creek, and Neil. We're having lunch now. We're ready to start a marathon game session. Mike suggests we start with Balderdash. He doesn't like to take turns.


This was my blog training session.

Remember when the Steelers won the Super Bowl?

That was awesome.

I had to throw a photo on here of my buddies and me enjoying the game. It was interesting. Drinking beer at 8 a.m. always is.

So my buddy Ted is from Western Pennsylvania also, just west on 80 an hour or so. He'd never been a Steeler fan though. Evidently his dad was quite the rebel, and grew up an Oakland Raiders fan. So is he wasn't born into it, and just never got into watching the Steelers. 

Some of these kids today, I tell you what. We've quickly converted him, though, and he was pretty into it.

So he managed to get his local butcher shop to send us a whole bunch of sausages... and he's trying to work our Super Bowl party into an ad campaign for Livingstons' Meats. I was going to throw the photo up here, but something tells me they won't be able to use it.

Hey, can Dave blog too?

Thanks so much. Domo arigato gozaimasu. Happy to be here.

Well, I hardly know where to start. Mike says start at the beginning. Can't really do that, though. I have been here nearly three months now, and while I'm getting used to things and enjoying every minute of the experience, I still feel like a lost little kid about 86% of the time. Here's one of the reasons why:
And that's just one of the train companies. Getting to work or a buddy's house is easy, it's when I try to branch out, to Tokyo or one of the other cities, that things get complicated. Always an adventure for this guy.

 It's about 6 p.m. Saturday. Did a little cleaning earlier, so I'll post a photo or two. Mom, this is about as clean as it gets.

That's all for now. I'll post this before I mess up again. I can't copy and paste, and when I upload a photo, it goes straight to the top of the post... I'll learn. 



It's been over an hour and I'm still sitting here smiling. MVP; Santonio or Roethlisberger? I think you could make a case for Ben since he was pretty much without many options in that fourth quarter. No running game at all, and I think we'll find out that Hines was in a lot of pain. I noticed Washington in a sling after the game. Ben scrambled to keep several of those plays going. Of course, if Santonio was the only option, he still got open despite what probably was double coverage, and he made the catch to win it. I have not problem either way. What a game.

Dave, I hope you got to see it in English, even on a 13 inch screen.

Rachel, I think you look great in black and gold.


Science Lesson

70% of the earth is covered by water.

The other 30% is covered by Polamalu.

The Steelers play in Philly.

If you left right now, you'd make it in plenty of time to watch the game at my house.

27-17. Good guys.