
Sidney Fitzgerald Crosby

The pens are now 5-0 without Crosby. Smizik had some statistics last month showing their goals/game increases when Crosby doesn't play. So are the pens a better team without Crosby?

I don't buy it.

We all heard a lot of talk during the Steelers season that Ben should be benched because Leftwich was the better option.

How did that one work out again?

My guess is the same people that believe the Pens are a better team without Crosby are the same that believed Leftwich was the answer are the same that will always find something to complain about even if it is nonsensical.

Big Ben's my top dog. Sid can be, like, my little brother or something.

Until he wins a cup... then I'll reevaluate his standing.

What say you, boys?

P.S. Mama feel free to impart your vast sporting knowledge as well. You did teach Junior everything he knows. Sorry Neil, Mom remains the best middle linebacker in the family.


  1. I agree (mostly). Sidney is at best the #1 player in the league, and at worst maybe third. A player that good needs to be insulated to allow him to do his job. He was captain (at 20 years old) last year too, but look at the veteran players who were the real leaders in the locker room. Roberts and Recchi were veteran presences who knew what was needed to win. Malone, Hossa, and Rutuu were physical players who could throw a check as well as put the puck in the net when Crosby would make one of those wondrous passes. So who did they replace those guys with? Certainly no one who has shown the ability to cash in like last year. And no one has stepped up to show much leadership. Crosby has tried to be the leader as captain, but it's pretty tough for a 21 year old to be respected in that role, especially when he is still living with the team's owner and whose father is hanging around the locker room constantly. They put Sid in an impossible role, and he is trying to be all things to all people and not being as successful. I think they figured they might pick up players to replace who they lost, but it didn't work out. Therrien ended up being canned because of what happened, even though it was not his fault, but his style was probably not nurturing enough for a player of Crosby's age and sensitivity anyway. With the changes they've made this week, the pens will probably move to sixth or seventh over the next 20 games and may be a threat to knock off a couple of teams.
