
I can't wait for 2012.

Neil, where do we sign up to go on one of these expeditions?

Family vacation anyone?


For what it's worth

Yes citizens, I have heard your calls for the king. I know it has been a long wait, but you best believe that it was well worth it. I am here to stay. All is well here on the Johnstown front. Just finished my last test before spring break, which I aced (yes funny and smart), and in a few short hours will be grinding gears away from this town. I will be spending spring break in the beautiful metropolis of Honkytown with my mother and father. It will be nice to be home for a week, as I am rather tired of late nights of studying. That is all for now, so keep on keeping on and the like.
-Neil T. Reynolds


Sidney Fitzgerald Crosby

The pens are now 5-0 without Crosby. Smizik had some statistics last month showing their goals/game increases when Crosby doesn't play. So are the pens a better team without Crosby?

I don't buy it.

We all heard a lot of talk during the Steelers season that Ben should be benched because Leftwich was the better option.

How did that one work out again?

My guess is the same people that believe the Pens are a better team without Crosby are the same that believed Leftwich was the answer are the same that will always find something to complain about even if it is nonsensical.

Big Ben's my top dog. Sid can be, like, my little brother or something.

Until he wins a cup... then I'll reevaluate his standing.

What say you, boys?

P.S. Mama feel free to impart your vast sporting knowledge as well. You did teach Junior everything he knows. Sorry Neil, Mom remains the best middle linebacker in the family.


I'm still waiting

When I joined this family, I was told of this person who was a self proclaimed "king of comedy." As time goes on, I remain doubtful of his existence. I guess I have to assume that he either does not exist or that his rank of "king of comedy" does not properly suit him.

One would think that a blog would be a perfect forum for comedic relief.

So--if there is anyone who can help me straighten out this matter, I would be very grateful.

A perplexed Rachel