
Super Bowl

Super Bowl tomorrow. I wish we could all watch it together. I thought Neil would stay till Monday morning, but it would make an early trip back when he has a 9:00 class.
We had Steeler pep rally at school on Friday afternoon, and it was fun. The kids were wild. We had songs, videos, and cheers. My students wrote their own Steeler song to the tune of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More," and it turned out pretty good. We studied rhyme and rhythmic patterns in the song, and gave them a template go work from. Then they worked in groups to come up with at least one verse. I went from group to group and helped when necessary. They were quite pleased. We sang it at the pep rally and it was a hit. A couple of the groups hammed it up pretty well, and it was hilarious. Here's a clip:

Just so I'm on record before the game: The final score will be Steelers 24, Cardinals 13. MVP will be Roethlisberger. Take that to the bank.


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